Freshly Picked seeks to optimize their customers’ user experience (UX) on desktop and mobile devices in order to increase sale conversions.

The key goal of this project was to identify the optimal user journey to allow first-time users to more easily navigate the site.


Project Lead

Current-state + competitive analysis, UX interviews, user journey mapping, visual design + flow

February 2023

User Experience Analysis + Redesign
Current State Site Analysis

To best understand the company and its offerings, it was important to perform a current state analysis of their site on mobile and desktop to identify areas of improvement. A comprehensive bug list started as a foundation for the rest of the project.

User Experience Interviews

The target demographic of Freshly Picked have unique priorities and behaviors. We met with nine people who fit this ideal market and conducted in-depth interviews to observe their experience with the site. The data collected shaped the improved user journey.

Whiteboard Wireframe Session

Before diving into visual assets, it was necessary to create a solid foundation to ensure functionality. As a team, we brainstormed the optimal user flow for each of the main product categories. For each category, the goal was to enable the user to respond to a conversion CTA within three clicks.

User Journey Flow Mockup

With the flows defined for each category, I designed mockups and a sitemap that allows Freshly Picked to adapt to their wide range of product offerings. The links below lead to an interactive mock user journey, as well as the live site that incorporates our recommendations.
